Is Time Travel Possible In 2050? Science & Religion Explained

In our childhood, we always think, can I go into the future or past to change my past or know my future? As we grew up in our lives, one question came to our mind: is time travel possible in 2050?  In movies, time travelers open a door or get into a high-tech device, and then they are gone. They then pop up in the blink of an eye among cowboys, knights, or dinosaurs. Therefore, these films depict nothing other than a form of time travel.


While the authors of such conceptions are not considered serious scientists who cannot see this creation in the real world, they do not dismiss the notion of time travel as a figment of the crackpots. It’s chronologically possible to hop, but the details are the beast inside it all. In this article, we discuss this topic from a religious and science-based perspective.

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Time Travel Watch

What is time travel?

Time travel involves the movement of people and objects through the ‘time-space continuum’ into the past and the future. Traveling through time is known as time travel and is famous in modern philosophies and literature, especially science fiction. In fiction, time travel is always so realized with the help of an imaginary gadget called a time machine. The concept of time machines is unknown to most people. It was first introduced as a novel in 1895 by H. G. Wells and titled The Time Machine.Time machine  

The Science of Time

From the modern physical perspective, time is not even a concrete, independent backdrop variable but rather the fourth dimension of Spacetime. This idea has been brought forward with the help of theoretical physics, where Einstein’s theory of relativity indicates that time is not the constant it was thought to be but rather varies with the position and movement of a particular observer. Still, it needs to be determined whether time travel to the past is constructively feasible. If at all conducted, such travel may create controversies over causation. Time ahead, beyond the feelings and perception of time,e is a very common phenomenon and is thoroughly explained in special relativity as well as in general relativity. However, it is impossible in the current state of technology to cause the advance or delay of one body by more than a few milliseconds about another body. Regarding the travel back in time, there are solutions possible within the general relativity, for example, a rotating black hole. Relativistic travel to an arbitrary point in spacetime has a fragile theoretical basis and is generally linked to quantum mechanics, or rather, to wormholes.

Is time travel possible in islam?

Time travel, as a concept, isn't explicitly addressed in Islamic texts. However, certain verses in the Qur'an and Hadiths have been interpreted by some scholars as potentially related to time travel. For instance, the story of the "People of the Cave" (Surah Al-Kahf, 18:9-26) describes youths who slept in a cave for 309 years but perceived it as a day or part of a day. Some view this as a form of time dilation akin to time travel. Additionally, the Mi'raj (the Prophet Muhammad's night journey) involved a miraculous journey through time and space, where he visited different realms in a single night.

Islam emphasizes the power of Allah over time and space, suggesting that time is a creation of God and can be manipulated by His will. However, mainstream Islamic thought generally sees time travel as speculative and not within human capacity, as it is tied to the divine.

Abrahamic religions

This story is from religion Islam, where The Holy Quran talks of the seven sleepers, who were a group of young religious men who were running from persecution and ended up in a cave. In this case, ALLAH protected them for centuries in their sleep, and when they woke u,p they found themselves in a different world. This is a story from the Quran from the Surah Al-Kahf, which is considered to be one of the factors of the Divine shield and suspension of time. The Seven Sleepers’ story is a myth of the Christian religion that narrates the story of seven young men who wanted to escape from the persecution of the Romans. At this time,e Rome was a polytheistic empire, and the event described in the text is an idealized presentation of a Roman citizen. 
As per another of the stories from Islam, Uzair, considered to be the Ezra of the Bible, was stricken with sorrow when the Babylonians razed Jerusalem. The opinion has been expressed that after the rebuilding of the city, God took his breath away and returned him to life. He came back home a blind man unrecognized by the people, and his household had only an old maid who was blind and regained her sight through the prayers of this man. During this reunion, Uzair also meets his son and the man is older than Uzai,r but the man knows that Uzair is his father.

Time Travel In Physics

Some theories, es such as the special and general relative, claim that if certain geometries of spacetime or specific motion in space are possible, it might be possible to travel back and forth in time. In technical papers, physicists also talk about the Chronology Protection Conjecture, which would mean closed time-like curves, which would be the world lines forming a closed curve and enabling objects to travel back in time. Other solutions of the equations of general relativity lead to spacetimes that contain closed time-like curves, such as the Gödel spacetime solution, which, however, is not very realistic. 

According to some postulates of today’s scientific thought, realistic backward time travel is considered to be entirely improbable. Any theory that would allow time travel would bring the issue of causality into the picture. The most well-known example of the problem that arises from causal representation is the ‘grandfather paradox, which implies time traveling and thus having intercourse with ancestors and killing the grandfather before he impregnated one’s mother is a commonly cited example. Various interpreters like Novikov and Deutsch have proposed that specific types of time travel paradoxes can be thwarted with the help of the former or the IWI of the latter notion.

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Different spacetime geometries

In the general theory of relativity, the geographic picture of the universe is given by the system of equations and field equations that define the metric or distance of space-time. These equations do possess certain solutions, and these concern what is referred to as closed time-like curves, these are world lines that are capable of intersecting one another in other words, some point on a given world line may be in the causal future of that lin,e and also in the causal past, that is time travel. A solution that conforms to these institutions was first offered by an Austrian mathematician Kurt Gödel and is called the Gödel metric, yet it is a drawback that his (and others) solution assumes the universe to possess features it does not seem to possess, namely rotation and no Hubble expansion. Whether general relativity barred closed time-like curves in all realistic circumstances still has to be understood.

Traveling Back in Time 

Though one can move forward in time is a concept that is quite scientifically plausible, going back in time is a contentious issue. Equations of general relativity, the alleged theory of gravity of Einstein, are pluralistic to elements called closed time-like curves, which exist only in theory. These are sort of wormholes that could theoretically be used to travel back in time. However, there are several major hurdles: However, there are several major hurdles: 


The Causality Paradox: Think to yourself that you are turning back time and you will prevent your grandfather from meeting your grandmother. This would result in a paradox since you would be eliminating the possibility of existence in the present world.

Wormholes: Shortcuts Through Spacetime?

The second theoretical possibility of time travel is in wormholes What is a wormhole? About these hypothetical tunnels, some points in spacetime could be connected,d and one could potentially travel from one location to another almost instantly. At the same time, wormholes exist only on paper, and to maintain one for travel, you would need to use materials that hardly exist in real life.

Time Travel Awareness and the Media 


Though one cannot physically go back to the time of the dinosaurs in a car like in the famous movie ‘Back to the Future,’ the theory of time travel is an important area of study in cosmology. It puts one into the position where the subject becomes the question, where reality, the very conception of time, space, and causality are put into question. Who knows how many opportunities the further development of science will open in the future to us? So maybe one day, instead of talking about the possibilities of time travel,l people would be able to physically travel through time.

Just because time traveling is not a reality in twenty-first-century society, the desire to explore and discover the universe's outer limits is still real.

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